May 2001
New engineer/assistant -
We would like to take this opportunity to announce an addition of a new 2nd Engineer/assistant, Matt Girard. Matt is a product specialist for Digidesign, and an accomplished musician who studied at the Hart School of Music in Conn., and we're really lucky to have him on board part time! He will be helping us put together the B room midi and writing suite! Welcome aboard Matt!!!
God's Little Joke - Karyadi Sutedja has been busy mixing an amazing band from England called, "God's Little Joke". Anthony contributed string arrangements on a couple of songs and some subtle programming throughout. It's very modern, melodic hard rock and we are really excited about it! Steve Kilroy is the Executive Producer and we will be working hard together.
Rob Gonzalez - Singer Songwriter Rob Gonzalez was just in to record and mix 3 songs. Rob is a gifted piano player who writes songs with big hooks. It's rootsy pop rock in the vein of the Wallflowers, Tom Petty, etc but it's got a cool thing of its own with great beatlesque guitarscapes (thanks to Mike Smith, Steve Sadler, Brian Alex and Donovan Bettencourt), and Robs signature vocal style.... Go to and listen to "I'll get to you (somehow)"; it's an amazing song. Anthony played drums for the first time in a year, and added mellotron and synth stuff as well, go check it out!
Rumble Syndicate - The new Rumble Syndicate EP is now available at the band's website. There's some really great stuff on that record, way worth checking out if your into powerful modern original hard rock. Patty Jones is working on getting them a showcase. Thanks to Skunk, Malcolm GB and Roger for believing in what we did.
Sick Punk - The Nuno Bettencourt/Anthony J. Resta song "Sick Punk" is getting 20 spins a week on Rock 101 in Manchester! (Performed by Nuno's amazing band "Mourning Widows") it's really cool futuristic funk and should be in stores soon. Please call Rock 101 and request it! Thanks to the DJs and program director there.
Rebecca Simone - Bedroom Soul Diva/ vocalist extraordinare, Rebecca Simone, was in to record three new songs and its very fresh sounding stuff! Al Cafaro who used to head up A&M with David Anderlie is really behind the project, as is Patty Jones. Rebecca will be showcasing for some Major Labels in June and we wish her the best of luck! You can check out her hot photos and music at
PS. Rebecca does a remarkable number of astonishingly accurate character impressions. She is a quick study. Examples are: cartoon characters (Pebbles, The Chipmunks, Marge, Lisa and Bart Simpson, Miss Piggy, Betty Boop, Snoopy, Eric Cartman...); singers (Ella Fitzgerald, Sheryl Crow, Macy Gray, Erykah Badu, Britney Spears...); accents (dialects from France, Ireland, Germany, New Orleans, Bronx and Long Island, NY.).
Jennifer Crane - Singer Songwriter Jennifer Crane is recording some more demos in Nashville for consideration by Island Def Jam who have a strong Interest in her at this time, rumors of a pending deal abound.... we're hoping the best for Jennifer, she's really talented and beautiful and a 16 year old doing music with real musicians instead of all machines... wow, quite the concept....; ). I am sure it will be a cool record.
Farrington - is the place to keep up with Annette Farrington and her astonishing new release at the Castle Von Buhler records home page!
Mudhens -
The Mudhens have been floating in and out of the top 10 at! Their ep "Vinyl" has had favorable industry response and fantastic reviews, Lippman Entertainment in LA is negotiating a contract with the band to shop the masters.
Echohead -
The new Echohead CD will be available in two weeks, go to for more info. This is the third newsletter we've announced this in, but we kept adding more songs. Eric did some fantastic art and photos, which will be posted on our website shortly! It's an awesome CD! You won't be disappointed if you're looking for something cool and different.
Oblivion - Suzanne Tonair has been playing "Oblivion" at Pixie 103 thanks Suzanne!
StarrFaithfull - StarrFaithfull was in to record two songs and they really came out great! You can hear the killer songs "Everything you're not" and "Your Life" at the StarrFaithfull site. It's some of the Phatest sounding tracks ever recorded here so please go and give it a rave review! Also, read about the bands award winning guitarist Jodee Frawley and upcoming shows etc. at
David Z - David Z's new release is finally available!!! DAVID Z'S BEATBANK: READY, SET, GO it's really original sounding electronic in various styles and we are really proud of it! 3 songs available at: Junkyard Symphony -- pulsating fun-in-an-electronic studio junkyard Meant For Me--Pure Club Remix -- energetic grooves with an unstoppable dance beat Repetition -- A pounding Trance Anthem, co-written by Anthony
Direct links:
In closing: - The new Mix plus plus Pro-tools rig has been running smoothly and we are really happy with the system. We have had a really busy three months! New gear:
- Pair of Joe Meekcrophones, they sound fantastic!
- shure se 35 compressor (vintage)
- Roland Variphrase 9000 the coolest sampler on the planet. (This year at least)
Thank yous - Thanks to all the above artists who keep us working hard, without you guys we would be bartending. I hope we didn't forget anyone. Thanks to Kathy Anaya at Lippman Entertainment for all her caring, skills, and efforts. Thanks to Kyle Shiver for hooking us up with Rob! Thanks to Cheryl Harrington at Lippman Entertainment for help coordinating all the meetings in LA and NY. Thanks to Karyadi for all his loyalty and patience! And killer work of course. Thanks to Amanda in Holland for doing all the web design and up keep. Thanks to Patty Jones for swimming with the sharks! Thanks to Gerry Griffin at Eventide for dropping by. Thanks to all our family and friends who make life worth something. God bless.
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Last updated: 9 May 2001
© 2000, 2001 Funky Vibe Productions / bopnique musique