COLD NIGHTS ------------------------------------ Written by: Leontien Bosch E-mail: Timeline: after 'After the Thaw' ------------------------------------ Author comments: Ha I'm back!! This story takes place after After The Taw just in case you hadn't figured it out yet :-) You really wouldn't guess where this came from, I wrote it at 4.55 AM in my tent, when it was very, very cold. I'm typing it on my way home in the car and I feel sooooooo sick! DISCLAIMER: (let's add a disclaimer this time) I don't own anybody, no-one owns me. ------------------------------------------------------------------- After Devon had told everybody what had happened when they found Alonzo, Bess had given the four some leftovers from dinner. After Julia had treated Alonzo and Danziger, who kept saying that he was fine and needed no medical attention, they had all gone to bed. Julia tossed and turned on the narrow cot, trying to find a warm spot, but having no success. It was even colder than sleeping in the Med-tent and she cursed the emergency generator for breaking up. Now they didn't had any power in the Dome and it was shanking cold in there. Julia got out of bed and searched her room for the fifth time this night for more clothes or blankets. She looked at herself and laughed. There she was, standing in at least three shirts, two sweaters, a jacket and three blankets around here, on a planet 22 lightyears away from her warm station quarters. Finding no other warm clothes, she sat on the cot and thought for a while. After a few minutes she stood up, walked to the door, out of her cold room and walked carefully around all the sleepingbags on the floor, until she found the one she was looking for. "Alonzo?" she whispered, trying not to wake anyone else. After all, what was she supposed to say when someone woke up and saw her standing in the middle of the night next to Alonzo's sleepingbag. She kneeled and shook him. "Alonzo, wake up" she whispered again. She was about to shake him again, when he turned around. He wasn't sleeping when she had called him the first time. "Yeah, doc. What's up," he said, shivering. "It's cold, Alonzo." "Yeah, I noticed, so why are you standing here fully dressed? I can't imagine a warmer place on the planet to go to." "I was thinking, can't we share body warmth?" "What?" he said a little louder. "Shhh! You'll wake everybody." "You want to sleep here, Julia? Under the same blankets as me? Are you sure you're ok?" "Alonzo, stop fooling around, I'm freezing here." "Ok, ok, I guess it's warmer that way," he said as he pulled the blankets away, so Julia could lay down. "Hey Jul, don't you think it would help if you lay just a little closer to me?" She moved closer to him, until she reached him. He turned so he could look at her and he laid his arm on her side. "What are you doing, Flyboy?" He laughed. "Sharing body warmth? Don't worry, I won't do anything. Everything still hurts." She poked him in his ribs. "Oww, what was that for?" he said. "You're right, everything still hurts." "Hey, will you two finally shut up and try to sleep?" someone said from the other side of the room and they heard the others chuckle beneath their blankets. Julia pulled the blankets over her head and closed her eyes... THE END. Characters are owned by Amblin Entertainment and Universal Pictures. No copyright infringement was intended.