Issue 23, January 1994
Duran Duran visit South Africa
With Apartheid ended, Duran Duran visited South Africa for the first time in their career (April '93). The following excerpts come from a radio interview Nick and Warren did for South Africa's Radio 5 in Johannesburg.
Nick: If somebody had said when we made the Rio video, "people are going to be sowing that on Greatest Hits video shows", we would have laughed. And I think it put a lot of things out of perspective for us. It certainly helped at the beginning, when you could be in a lot of places at once and people saw the video and it helped the song, but I think because the imagery was so strong that people come up to you, I don't know, in sort of 1989 and say "hey, so have you still got that boat? Have you still got that boat you had in the Rio video?"
Warren: "Are you still riding on that elephant?"
DJ: But video sells music. It set a precedent...
Nick: Well, I don't know whether that's true. We've certainly proved it with Ordinary World. In America we were fortunate enough by default, by an actual mistake that the video wasn't ready on time, that the single went to radio a couple of weeks earlier and it was already in the top 20 before there was ever a video. And I think you can have hits without videos.
DJ: … and Nick into keyboards in a big way, a big, big way.
Nick: Well yeah, I hope so!! I mean, it's been my life for the last sort of 14 years or so, 16 years.
DJ: Nowadays it looks like keyboards have taken over from guitars.
Warren: Ahum!!!
DJ: They are more influential in bands nowadays than guitars.
Nick: Oh well, I don't know about that. I think the thing is, keyboards are great because they can be so many different things now. With the advent of samplers you can have an entire orchestra on there really. But at the same time I find myself often sitting down - I'm hopeless at playing guitar - but I still find myself sitting down with guitars to work things out, very simple chord patterns and things and it's such a great instrument. It's never going to be replaced by keyboards, it's an entirely different thing.
Unfortunately, this back issue is no longer available. But we have plenty of other great back issues left.
