
Back issues (no longer available)
This page features most of the issues of TDGD ever made. As TDGD has closed down, you can no longer
order these back issues, but feel free to browse some of the contents
featured. Also, check out our Exclusives section in the menu for all
the special and exclusive features ever published in TDGD!
- #19 (Jan. '93) - picture disc Simon 1982, Yasmin Le Bon talks
environment, Julie Anne on her separation from Nick, short interview
- #20 (Apr. '93) - autographed cover,
fan reports on Wedding Album promotion in Europe, '93 (radio)
interviews Simon, Nick & John, Wedding Album reviewed by fans (part
1) and music press
- #21 (July '93) - Warren issue: various '93 interviews; plus European (acoustic) concert reviews, Tower Records satellite concert report, Wedding Album fan reviews (part 2), tour dates
- #22 (Oct. '93) - European '93 concert reviews, fan reports from London & Rome, Andy Taylor live in Lisbon, report on Mi Vida Loca, radio interview John
- #23 (Jan. '94) - U.S. and South African '93 concert reviews, South African interview Warren & Nick, report on fan meeting Antwerp
- #24 (Apr. '94) - European '94 concert reviews, fan interview with John, South African interview Simon, first "Greedy For Pictures" with Warren's autograph
- #25 (July '94) - U.K. concert review '94, Duran in Israel, feature on Simon's poem in British newspaper, Greedy For Pictures: Nick photo plus autograph
- #26 (Oct. '94) - Warren's solo concert, Duran quotes from Andy Warhol diaries, Mexican interview Simon & John, Greedy For Pictures: John photo and autograph
- #27 (Jan. '95) - exclusive interview with Simon (part 1), Mexican interviews Simon, John & Warren, Greedy For Pictures: Simon photo and autograph
- #28 (Apr. '95) - exclusive Simon interview (part 2), Thank You reviews, concert review opening Hard Rock Hotel Las Vegas '95, Thank You promotion Amsterdam
- #29 (July '95) - exclusive John questionnaire, Thank You promotion Brussels & Paris, Big Thing demo bootleg CD review, TDGD readers' poll results
- #30 (Oct. '95) - exclusive Warren interview, news on John's solo album, fans' Duran dreams, Greedy For Pictures
- #31 (Jan. '96) - exclusive Nick questionnaire,
more news on John's solo projects, Nuerotic Boy Outsiders concert
reviews, quotes from Boy George autobiography, Greedy For Pictures:
John photo and autograph
- #32 (Apr. '96) - autographed cover, exclusive John questionnaire,
extensive features on Warren's and John's solo albums, reviews of
John's album (part 1), quotes from Bob Geldof's autobiography
- #33 (July '96) - exclusive Nick interview
(part 1), Nuerotic Outsiders concert reviews, fan reviews of Warren's
and John's albums (part 2), quotes from Paula Yates autobiography
- #34 (Oct. '96) - exclusive Nick interview (part 2) plus all on the Neurotic Outsiders (reviews, concert dates, quotes, opinions and more)
- #35 (Jan. '97) - John interview, Neurotic Outsiders (European)
concert and album reviews, quotes from Oasis biography, Duran's musical
influences (cont'd) + newsletter on John leaving Duran
- #36 (Apr. '97) - Duran on John's leaving, Reports on the DuranCon 1997, Medazzaland news, a note from Nick, lyrics to 'Out of my mind'
- #37 (Jul. '97) - Warren answers questionnaire, the press on 'Out of my mind', John in Germany
- #38 (Oct. '97) - exclusive John interview, Medazzaland album review and news, report on Duran Tribute album and JT's current projects
- #39 (Jan. '98) - Duran US tour reviews, Medazzaland reviewed by media, Duran comment on the Tribute Album and Electric Barbarella video, JT interview
- #40 (Apr. '98) - Duran on the internet, Modern Rock radio interview, JT update, Tony Hadley plays 'Save a prayer'
- Extra issue for TDGD's Ten Year Anniversary. In this special issue, Wes Wehmiller (bassguitarist) and Anthony J. Resta
(producer/percussionist) gave a little insight into what it's like
to work with Duran. It also featured, among other things,
photographs taken by Nick during the band's US tour of 1997 as well as
an exclusive poem, 'Caveman Apollo'.
- #41/42 (Okt. '98; double issue) - Q&A with Nick Rhodes, Duran at the Diana Memorial concert, JT on tour in the US
- #43 (Feb. '99) - Concert reviews UK tour Dec. '98, 'Greatest' press reviews, DD interviews.
- #44/45 (summer '99) - DD tour news, more concert reviews, CD
reviews: 'Roadrage', 'Resumé' & 'Late Nights Early Days', JT
in Sugertown & other movies, Q&A with Anthony J. Resta + an exclusive poem by him!
- #46 (Oct. '99) - Duran US tour reviews, DD interviews, Lyrics to new songs, JT tour reviews, Meltdown CD reviews.
- #47 (Winter 2000) - internet chats with Simon & John,
interviews with Duran Duran & John Taylor, album reviews JT's 2nd
solo album, Duran Duran concert reviews Aftershow report
- #48(summer 2000) - handwritten messages by Simon, Nick & Warren, Duran's visit to Holland in April, lots of news on the new album and tour, Pop Trash reviews by fans, concert review John Taylor Terroristen
- #49 (September 2000) - Storytellers report, US tour stories, Pop Trash track-by-track, Duran gets a plaque on the Rock 'n Roll Wall of Fame, JT interviews
- #50 (February 2001) - Nick asks TDGD 10 questions, extracts from Martin Kemp's biography, JT resumé, London reviews, TDGD's 10 minutes of fame
- #51 (May 2001) - The latest on Warren's leaving - Update on the Fab Five reunion - JT album review - Concert reviews for Atlanta, Croatia and Orlando
- #52 (September 2001) - Concert reports from Japan - Reader opinions on the reunion - John Taylor questionnaire - Roger Taylor news - Warren section
- #53 (December 2001) - Secret Oktober Convention Reports - More reunion news - Questionnaire with Roger - Missing Persons reunion report
- #54 (March 2002) - News and reviews about John Taylor's
'Retreat Into Art' album - Information on Warren's latest activities -
Everything we could find on the new album - An in-depth look at the
media's treatment of Duran Duran
- #55 (June 2002) - Latest album news - Nick, Stephen Duffy, and 'The Devils' - The women behind the web - Nick's opinion on the internet
- #56 (August 2002) - The Devils special - Dark Circles reviewed - Exclusive Q&A with Nick - Latest album news - Nile Rodgers comments
- #57 (December 2002) - 2002 News Round Up - Q&A with Gary Oldknow - Q&A with Paul Berrow - TDGD readers about patience - Warren news
- #58 (February 2003) - an interview with a highly-respected author whose first book was about Duran Duran - The Devils live at Harvey Nichols - John's solo release and performance with James Angel
- #59 (April 2003) - TDGD see The Devils in Cologne!
- Meet Duran's backing vocalists + short interview with Evie Sanidas
(backing vocalist for The Devils) - News on Nick's, John's and Warren's
projects: Riviera, Dandy Warhols, The Devils, James Angell, Mindi Abair
and Missing Persons - Poll: "are you buying the singles box set?"
- #60 (April 2003) - Special 15-year TDGD Anniversary issue features a compilation of all the interviews and questionnaires with the
members of Duran Duran that we have had the honour of printing over the
past 15 years.
a selection of some of the contents from this very special fanzine,
including TDGD's first ever interview in 1990 with Simon, Nick, John,
Warren and
Sterling, the success of The Wedding Album, John
& Warren's solo projects, the difficult years around Medazzaland
and the Duran Duran reunion in this new millennium!
- #61 (July 2003) - Singles box set reviewed - reviews and photos of summer 2003 USA/Japan shows - Nick and Simon work with the Dandy Warhols
- #62 (December 2003) - feature on MTV & Q Awards - reviews and photos live shows London and USA - lyrics by other artists mentioning Duran
- #63 (January 2004) - TDGD editor Christy Janis meets Duran at a Houston radio station
- interview with backing vocalist Tessa Niles - programmer/engineer
Mark Tinley tells all about his work with Nick and the rest of Duran -
concert reviews & great photos from the USA (November '03)
- #64 (May 2004) - Front & back cover design by Simon -
handwritten questionnaire by John and Nick - Wembley backstage report -
tour photos by Mandy
- #65 (July 2004) - reports and reviews from fans - loads and loads of tour photos - tour memories by Katy Krassner (duranduran.com) and Gary Oldknow (www.deepvisual.com)
- #66 (October 2004) - reports from the promo tour - Andy Wickett answers questions - Riviera F reveal how fun it was to work with Nick Rhodes
- #67 (January 2005) - Berlin, Barcelona, Madrid & London:
TDGD readers meet the band - Concert reviews from Berlin, San Diego,
VH-1 The Set and London - YOUR reviews of Astronaut - Duran's renewed
success in Italy
- #68 (May 2005) - Q&A with the one and only Denis O'Regan
- Astronaut tour reviews as seen through the eyes of an 8-year old and
an Englishman in Milwaukee - Astronaut album reviews from the press and
some very interesting interviews - questions YOU would like to ask
Duran Duran
- #69 (July 2005) - Loads of concert reviews, gossip and photos from the Astronaut tour - poll on the visuals during the tour - Top 50 Duran songs of all time
- #70 (October 2005)
- News/reviews Live From London DVD - Drum sails again - Q&A with Dean
Chamberlain - quotes from Robbie Williams' biography
- #71 (February 2006) - Readers Poll results - December UK
concerts reviewed - Notorious: Duran biography reviewed
- #72 (June 2006) -
last regular issue of TDGD: news on the next Duran album - fan report from the
Winter Olympics - Only After Dark feature and reviews
