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Issue 50, February 2001

Nick asks TDGD ten questions…

The new issue of The Dutch Go Duran contains a questionnaire Nick completed for us. We recently sent him a questionnaire with a difference - since he must have answered hundreds of questionnaires by now, we thought we'd send him ten answers and let him come up with the questions...

We won't give it all away here though, but these are the answers we gave him - Nick's questions are printed (in his own handwriting) in the February 2001 issue of TDGD. AlienNR

  • A: Possibly, I'm not sure though
  • A: Hopefully some time next year
  • A: Brown
  • A: Red wine
  • A: Never say never
  • A: 83852
  • A: 7th Stranger, Late Bar, New Religion and a track by Arcadia
  • A: The Dutch Go Duran, of course
  • A: Simon
  • A : Little silver coloured aliens wearing pink and purple striped legwarmers
